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Just like you, HortySpringer continues to closely monitor the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation. We wanted to let you know that for the time being, our office is open and functioning as usual. If you have any questions or need any legal assistance — whether coronavirus-related or otherwise — please feel free to call us at 412-687-7677 or e-mail us at info@hortyspringer.com and we will do our very best to assist you.

In the event our physical office is forced to close, we have contingency plans in place that will enable us to provide you with uninterrupted availability and service. Working remotely, our attorneys and staff will continue to be responsive to your legal needs throughout any potential shutdowns, quarantines, or other disruptions. For information on how to contact our attorneys, please visit our website.

Most importantly, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. As always, it is our privilege to represent hospitals, medical staffs, health systems, and their physician and administrative leaders. You are the true heroes who — like every time in the past — will get us all through this current public health crisis. We thank you for all that you do!