What are the Benefits of Using LegalSifter?
Increased Productivity
Contract review in a minute or two…
- Documents are reviewed quickly using SIFTERS that are customized to spot specifics and to reflect preferred legal and commercial positions;
- Legal budgets can be managed by working smarter and faster;
- Alternative terms can be quickly and efficiently incorporated into a redline; and
- Transactions can be completed more effectively and efficiently.
Consistent Quality
Combined intelligence is a new standard for quality…
- Sifters provide a second set of eyes.
- Sifters read your document to find important concepts that demand attention or are missing entirely.
- Risks are reduced by providing consistent legal terms and best practices during the contract review and negotiation process.
Enhanced Value
The value potential of your people is increased…
- Fewer back-and-forths in negotiations lower costs.
- Work can be more efficiently allocated.
- You can focus on delivering strategic value by streamlining business-as-usual contract review.