How Does LegalSifter Work?

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It is a very simple 3-step process.

LegalSifter allows you to review contracts in a minute or two using artificial intelligence and HortySpringer’s analysis. The process starts by a client/user uploading a draft contract into LegalSifter.  Sifters review the document and then identify important concepts that demand attention or are missing entirely. The Sifters trigger Help Text and in-context analysis and sample language that can be tailored to the client’s business and negotiation position. The whole process takes a matter of minutes.

Example of How LegalSifter Works:


“LegalSifter has empowered our firm to provide quick and efficient review of legal contracts for our clients. A.I. has made tremendous leaps and bounds, and it has become a productivity enhancer, especially in applications of the law. It’s a win all around for law firms and their clients.”

—Dan Mulholland
Senior Partner